Our Team

Jeff Schnoor - Vice Chair

info coming soon

Kaitlyn Cortez - Chair

I accepted the position of Board Chair of A Recovery Place as of May 2023. My clean date is 07-07-2012. Having got clean at only 17, I’ve had some unique experiences in the recovery community. From my peers going through “normal” partying phases to be told I’m “too young” to be an addict. In very early recovery a mentor told me “It doesn’t matter what or how much you used, it matters why you used”. And that has stuck with me nearly 12 years later. My mission is to help people get to the “why” of their use, no matter the substance they chose or how much or little of it they did.

 I am passionate about making a positive impact on the recovery community in South Texas and I am honored to be a part of an organization that shares that same passion. I believe that by connecting individuals with resources, services, and each other, we can empower them to build a strong foundation for their recovery and lead fulfilling lives.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve my community and I look forward to continuing to make a difference in the lives of those in need. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about A Recovery Place, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at Kaitlyn@ARPSATX.com

Peggy Holland - Board Member-At-Large

info coming soon

Lisa Figueroa - Secretary

Lisa joined the Board in late 2023 and with a passion for helping others attain long term recovery, is an amazing addition to the team. Lisa is a certified peer coach and works in the recovery field. She is a mother and Grandmother and her passion and bright soul shines in everything she does. She is the best light to add to our team!

Johnathon Parker - Board Member-At-Large

info coming soon